讲座题目:Growing Pains: Examining the Effects of Generational Product Innovation on Mobile Apps’ Performance
主讲人:李卅立 副教授
主持人:叶文平 博士
时间 :2019年7月4日 (周四)
15:30 - 17:00
李卅立教授任职于南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院,是国际商务系副教授。此前他曾在威斯康星州立大学密尔沃基校区卢巴商学院任教并评为终身教授,并在美国犹他大学取得战略管理学博士学位。主讲全球战略、战略管理、跨文化谈判等课程,并获得过美国犹他大学3044am永利集团核心课程的杰出教学奖,以及卢巴商学院MBA明星教授奖。研究主要集中在国际市场进入、国际创业、数字经济和需求基础论。他的论文获得美国管理学年会的年度最佳论文,以及美国国际商务年会的阿兰罗戈曼最有前途学者奖。近年来,李卅立教授的科研成果多次被刊登在国际顶级学术期刊, 包括:《管理学综述》(Academy of Management Review)、《战略管理期刊》(Strategic Management Journal)、《国际商业研究期刊》(Journal of International Business Studies)、《管理学刊》(Journal of Management)等。诸多权威商业期刊如哈佛商业评论也报道过他的研究成果。此外,还担任《管理学季刊》的领域编辑,Journal of International Business Studies与Strategic Management Journal的审稿人。他也是Academy of Management,Academy of International Business,International Association for Chinese Management Research与Strategic Management Society的会员。
Generational product innovations (GPI) are critical for digital products to keep updated and stay competitive, but may also be considered a tool of planned obsolescence, causing resistance from users. This study draws on the demand-side perspective to examine how firms should deal with the dilemma. We argue that GPIs reduce the usage of the product because generational change brings disruption upon the mass of users. Furthermore, we contend that GPI’s performance effect is conditioned by product performance and the prior number of GPIs throughout the product life cycle. The impact of GPI will be dampened when the product attains top performance, and will be amplified when the product has experienced more generational progress. We test our hypotheses in the context of the mobile computing industry. Utilizing a matched difference-in-differences design taking advantage of the asynchronous generational updates of the same multi-homing apps across two dominant mobile platforms, we identify the causal effects of major app updates on the demand and total revenues of the apps, respectively. Our analysis of 48 mobile game apps across 58 countries confirms the hypotheses, and it shows that new insights can be gained through a demand-side lens into routine innovation strategy.